Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Can You Really Judge A Book By Its Cover???

Judging People!

1. an act or instance of judging.
2. the ability to judge, make a decision, or form an opinion objectivelyauthoritatively, and wisely, especially in matters affecting action; good sense; discretion: a man of sound judgment.
3. the demonstration or exercise of such abillity of capacity: The major was decorated for the judgment he showed under fire.

When it comes down to it all we all have judge a person one time or another, do not act like you have never. There are those times where see someone that looks different than us or even talks different than use. I feel its just natural to judge someone that is not like you. With people today there are so many different ways to judge the people around us, but i find there are some big points that we judge on.

1. Beliefs 
2. The way they carry themselves
3. Who they hang around with

1. something believed an opinion or conviction: a belief that the earth is flat.
2. confidence in the truth or existence of something not immediately susceptible to rigorous proof: a statement unworthy of belief.
3. confidence; faith; trust: a child's beliefs in his parents.

We all should know by now that we have no place to judge other people by there beliefs, but we still continue to do it. I myself am guilty for this too. We try not to at time but when your beliefs are so strong sometimes it takes over stronger than you could ever control. At times we lash out against others who have the opposite position than us, because or beliefs are so damn strong. Do we mean to do it? In a way we do because we are taught to speak out on what we believe and at times we may lash out. But what if we all believed in the same things? Life would be absolutely boring and we would all be living the same days over and over again. Thats what makes life such a brilliant thing. We are all individuals, there is no exact copy of us in this planet. Even identical twins are the same. So its ok to stick up for what you believe on, never let some one take that way from you. But never forget that you will be judged no matter what.

How do you carry yourself? And who are you hanging with?

The way you carry your self can a big impression on the way people judge you. That why i'm a true believer in carrying yourself in a way people can respect and want to emulate, so when they do carry that respect for you they can pass the correct way to carry themselves and others. Think of it this way. Would you want your children to hang around bad people that will lead them to a road of hard times and a life of troubles? I really hope not. So you have to set an example because going back to judgment your children are a reflection of you and if people see the way you hold yourself they ASSUME your children also are the same. In most cases there are different. So carry yourself the way you want you, your family and your life to be portrayed.

So all i'm really trying to say is......

We are all going to be judged no matter what. So you have to stand your guard at all time. Life will hit you with people that will judge you no matter who they are our how they fell. Just remember you have to stand up for you and your family. Who cares what other people think? Even if your wrong to others your right to youself. It dose not matter what they think you keep going down the path that you know is right for you. Even if you make mistake in other peoples eyes you are still correct. At every turn on your journey of life there will be judgement......... IGNORE it. We all know hatters gunna hate!!!!!!!

       Peace, Love and New Adventures to you all!

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